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2020 Announcements to Come!

Writer's picture: DianeRoseWellnessDianeRoseWellness

Right out of the gate the start to 2020 has been so busy!

I have several wonderful announcements to be sharing with you all - from workshops to exciting new partnerships. In the coming weeks I will be traveling from coast to coast and could not be more excited to meet with those friends (old and new) who have scheduled private readings and workshops.

I'll share all of my upcoming events here on my website and through social as well in the next day or so. In the meantime, do note that we are starting to enter into the first full moon of the year (and of the new decade!)...

January 10th will not be the average full moon - it is a Lunar Eclipse that falls within Cancer. If you’ll remember, last year Cancers did not have a full moon so this one will be extra powerful AND emotional - setting the tone for us each in the months to come. With that said, take these next several days to be mindful with actions, breath in before your responses and maintain balance... Astrology can be a powerful tool to know when energies will be against us or flowing with us, this is your heads up that this next week will be heightened emotionally! Stay centered and act and speak with full intention.


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